March 8th is International Women's Rights Day. At LOG'S, more than 1,000 female employees contribute their expertise every day to the company's growth. Operators, team leaders, operations managers, SME directors, support functions... In both operational and strategic functions, we are convinced that gender balance is a key success factor for today's companies, whatever the sector.

And because positions of great responsibility are as much a matter for men as for women, today we'd like to share with you the testimonials of some of LOG'S's leading female employees. 

Emilie Rigaut, Site Manager 

"I joined LOG'S in 2015 and now manage the LOGLEERS SME. For me, the qualities needed to work as a site manager are mainly tenacity, positivity, being constantly on the move, being organized, and being solutions-, customer- and results-oriented.

As a woman, I've never had any difficulty doing my job.

Logistics remains a more masculine environment overall, but can also be very feminine, depending on the type of goods handled. At LOGLEERS, we have 350 employees, 63% of whom are women. For a long time, the logistics professions were highly gendered.

For example, forklift drivers used to be men, and packaging was mainly for women. Today, this is gradually changing.

For management positions, a balance between men and women is desirable, as it allows for a certain complementarity and the fusion of ideas that help the company and each of us to grow."

Jennifer Solis, Operations Manager

"I joined LOG'S in 2022 and was then hired as Operations Manager.

In my job, I am responsible for 150 people , including 7 team leaders.

My main job is to make sure that everything runs smoothly on a daily basis. What I like best about my job is that it's a real challenge.
I enjoy working to satisfy the customer while maintaining our objectives.
As a woman, I haven't encountered any difficulties in my work to date. In fact, I believe that difference is everything. We each have our own skills, points of view and approaches that are sometimes different, but often complementary.

Dominique Chastagnol, Real Estate Manager

"After some twenty years in retail as a works manager for ERP, I joined Log'S in 2021. It was a real challenge to change the focus of my work. Today, I'm in charge of the entire real estate and QHSE perimeter for Log'S, which has over 40 sites throughout France. As far as I'm concerned, women obviously have their place in logistics, in both operational and strategic management positions. Personally, what drives me most in my job is curiosity and the desire to learn new things every day. In my opinion, the first quality required for this job is rigor, while demonstrating great adaptability in a sector and a company where change is constant.

I like the entrepreneurial aspect of the company. Each project can be carried out with great freedom of action and, above all, trust.

I enjoy going to work every morning. It's not easy every day, but we're all in it together, in a positive dynamic. Every morning, I get up with a smile on my face, and I appreciate that to the full.